
It doesn't matter if you know nothing about SEO. By the end of this SEO training course, you’ll understand how to apply the SEO like keyword research, on-page SEO, and link building to rank higher in search engines.

Course Duration

3 Months Course + 2 months internship (Complete 5 months Training)

Course Outline

Extra Benefits

Freelancing Training.| Communication Lectures | Project Handling and much more

Benefits of the SEO Course

SEO Course In Faisalabad

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important facets of any website. If you want to rank high in Google, then you need to ensure that your content is optimized for search engines like it’s never been done before. Search engine optimization courses teach you how to do this by teaching you all about keyword research and content strategy. They’ll also help you understand how different factors affect rankings such as placements, thin content and other factors that affect ranking on Google’s organic results pages like desktop and mobile-friendly URLs meta descriptions site speed title tags etc

It helps you understand the fundamentals of SEO.

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website or web page in search engines via the “natural” or un-paid (“organic”) search results. These are websites that are not paid for by advertisers but rather from users’ searches, which means that they have a lot more exposure than those who pay for their presence in the SERPs.

The main goal of SEO is to improve your ranking on Google’s first page so that more people will be able to find you when they search using keywords related to what you do or sell (i.e., “how do I make money through affiliate marketing”).

It helps you develop a unique and keyword-rich content strategy.

This course will help you develop a unique and keyword-rich content strategy. Keywords are the foundation of your content strategy, which is why we have created this course to teach students how to create high quality, relevant and valuable online writing that answers questions for their audience.

In addition, we’ve designed this program so that it can be used as a standalone product or in conjunction with other SEO tools such as Google Analytics or SEMRush (which are also included in our course). You’ll learn how to use each tool effectively in order to build out your own unique strategy for creating engaging content for search engines like Google and Yahoo!

The course will help you use the right keywords in your content.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). In order to rank well, you need to write content that answers people’s questions and helps them solve problems.

SEO course teaches you how to:

  • Use keywords in your title and description. Keywords are words or phrases used in search engines like “keyword” or “keyphrases”. When someone types these keywords into Google, they’ll see your website as one of their top results if you’re chosen first by the algorithms they use to determine which websites should appear at the top of SERPs.

  • Use keywords in your image file names. This can help increase clicks from people who have already seen some aspect of what you offer before, but still want information about it (or even more). It also increases clickthrough rate since people tend not only google for specific terms but also use images when searching online–and thus might see yours among many others!

It will build a strong foundation for your business by teaching you how to craft keyword-oriented landing pages.

Landing pages are the gateway to your business. They’re a key part of your website’s conversion rate, and they can help you convert visitors into customers or sell products or services.

Landing pages are designed to be persuasive and ensure that visitors take action (i.e., buy). They should look professional and convey value quickly–otherwise you’ll lose them before they’ve even had a chance to see what else you have to offer!

You'll learn how to use every part of Google's search algorithm, such as placements, thin content, and other factors that affect ranking.

You’ll also learn how to identify the parts of Google’s algorithm that affect ranking and optimize your site for search engines.

In this course you will learn:

  • How to use keyword research tools like SEMRush or Moz Pro to find the right keywords for your website.

  • How keyword research can be used in conjunction with country targeting so you don’t waste money on irrelevant traffic from foreign countries that are not interested in your product or service.

  • How content is created based on what sells best and provides value for customers at each stage of the buying cycle (elevator pitch) with examples from successful companies who have done this well over time such as Amazon Prime which has helped them grow their business exponentially since 2010 when they launched it!

The course will teach you how to manage your website's visibility in Google's search results.

The course will teach you how to manage your website’s visibility in Google’s search results. You’ll learn how to proactively manage your website’s presence on Google’s organic results pages through things like desktop and mobile-friendly URLs, meta descriptions, site speed, title tags, etc.

The course is organized into three modules:

  • The Basics of SEO (Module 1) – This module covers the basics of search engine optimization (SEO), including its history and why it matters today. We also discuss what types of content are likely to rank highly in search engines like Google or Bing–and how much time you need to invest in creating them if they’re going to stand out from other sites sharing similar information within their niche market segments).

  • Advanced Topics In On-Page Optimization (Module 2) – In this module we dive deeper into some advanced topics related directly with writing good content that meets both user expectations while also ranking well on search engines’ SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). We cover topics such as keyword research tools & tactics; link building strategies; technical aspects such as meta tags & canonical URLs; page structure design rules; rich snippets markup guidelines

BrainOx Search engine optimization course Faisalabad teach you how to craft keyword-oriented landing pages. This is an important skill because it will help you rank higher in Google’s search results, which means more traffic for your website and potentially more sales. You’ll also learn how to use every part of Google’s search algorithm, such as placements, thin content, and other factors that affect ranking. The course also teaches you how manage visibility in Google’s organic results pages through things like desktop and mobile-friendly URLs, meta descriptions, site speed, title tags


Total Fees = 30,000 pkr

Easy installments plan available up to 3.
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SEO COURSE Faisalabad